Download xkcd Reader 2.0.1 APK for Android

xkcd Reader 2.0.1
File name: xkcd-Reader.APK
Version: 2.0.1
File Size: 0.7Mb

xkcd Reader Screenshots

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xkcd Reader Description

What if you had an app that could soar across multiple universes? What if it could immerse you in the greatest comic ever made? Here's your chance. Take it!!!

View Randall Munroe's famous xkcd, what if?, and blag. You can zoom, share, get a random comic, and get answers from explain xkcd. Anything you can possibly need to fill your heart with some xkcd action.

Long press an image to view hover text.

You will receive a notification whenever a new comic is available (optional).

The source code for this app is available at

Libraries Used:
-- Jsoup - (HTML Parsing)
-- Picasso - (Image Loader)

What's new in xkcd Reader 2.0.1

The source code for this app is now available at
- Theme Related Changes
- Notifications Fixed
- Fragment Overlays Fixed
- New Readability Option
- Crash On Theme Change Fixed
- Unnecessary Activities Removed
- Now Stable
xkcd Reader | 17 Reviewers | | Rating: 4.4

Download xkcd Reader 2.0.1 APK