ID: appinventor.ai_probbieproducts.Smack_Obama_FULL
Version: 1.1
File Size: 1.2Mb
Smack Obama Full Version Screenshots
Smack Obama Full Version Description
See how many times you can smack Barack Obama in one minute. This is a great game to relieve stress and or pass the time.Features
1- Keeps global score, so you can compare your scores to others that have played
2- Speed picker, so you can change the speed to the level of who ever is playing
3- User names, so you can create a custom user name just for you (vulgar user names will be deleted)
Future Updates
-More places to Smack Obama
-Secret Service to protect Obama
This game was not made to offend, it is just my interpretation of whack a mole. This is a great game for everyone, children, adults, republicans, and even democrats.
If you have any advice or ideas that should be in the next update please email me with them. I will be continuing to update this app and with your help it can become even better.
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