ID: com.aci.itim.trauma
Version: 1.0
File Size: 6.2Mb
NSW Trauma Screenshots
NSW Trauma Description
The Institute of Trauma and Injury Management present NSW Trauma. NSW Trauma provides a 'one stop' resource to assist clinicians in caring for the traumatically injured patients, from the initial resuscitation to stabilisation and transfer to a regional or major trauma service. This includes the provision of trauma resources for prehospital and intra-hospital clinicians.NSW Trauma will ensure clinicians are supported in the care of the trauma patient and are able to manage to meet the needs of the specific traumatically injured patient.
NSW Trauma provides:
- Localised guideline repository
- Specific burn injury resources
- Interactive checklists
- Clinical timestamps
- Trauma related medical calculators
- Detailed NSW health facility information
This app is developed for all medical, nursing and allied health clinicians of NSW Health and NSW Ambulance that work across the trauma continuum within New South Wales.
To help with ease of use, this app utilises locally developed content, and is subdivided into AeroMedical Retrieval Services (AMRS), Adult, Paediatric, Burns, Location and Calculator sections.
The Guideline repository has been provided from bodies within NSW Health including Ambulance Service of NSW (ASNSW), Local Health Districts and trauma services. These guidelines and information that is sourced from public domains are referenced and acknowledged within the app.
The Institute of Trauma and Injury Management has worked with the NSW Burn Injury Network to provide Trauma Specific burn injury resources:
- Guidelines
- Checklists
- Resources
- Specific interactive Burns Calculator that:
o Mark on a body chart area of burn injury.
o The area marked is able to give a calculation of total body surface area (TBSA) burn injury.
o Calculation using the TBSA result and entering a weight the fluid requirement for the first 8 hours since time of injury and the following 16 hours.
Detailed NSW health facility information regarding site information, resource availability and contact information will enable onsite and remote clinicians to provide location specific advice to enable the patient to receive timely treatment and progress through the trauma system, reducing unwarranted clinical variation.