ID: appinventor.ai_nsalvaro77.NSCTX
Version: 13.0
File Size: 8.4Mb
NS Coach Tools Screenshots
NS Coach Tools Description
For more info, tutorials and videos visit: us on FaceBook:
NB: Unlocks EVERY extra feature in ALL NS family apps... FOREVER!
With this APP you can:
1. SCOUT: it is the tool that allows you, in a simple and customizable way, to get game statistics of a team during a match or training session.
2. RECORD ATTENDANCE: that's something that many coaches do but, usually, do it on sheets of paper that take up space, can be lost and require a long time to be consulted.
3. SAVE DATA AND ANALYZE PROGRESSES OF AN ATHLETE: you can easily add and store all the vital statistics, anthropometric values, test results (both those validated and proposed by us and those that you create yourself) and all socio-dynamic and motivational findings.
4. USE OUR TOOLS DURING TRAINING: for example, the scoreboard and the tournament organizer (and you may call "tournament" even when you divide the team into groups and make them play with each other)
5. VERY IMPORTANT!! ALL OF THE ABOVE DATA (scouts, attendance and tests) CAN BE REPRESENTED BY VARIOUS TYPES OF GRAPHS depending on your needs: three of these charts are common to all data while some tests ALSO have their own specific graph.
Overall you will have at your disposal more than 20 different instruments all fused into a single, incredible APP.
We want to make your job easier, more precise and more effective because...
your job MATTERS!
REMEMBER: All users may access our exclusive discussion group on facebook. Just send us an email at:
with your user name in it. Our staff will get back to you as soon as possible with your personal invitation to the club!
NB: Some tablets may not be able to implement the athlete's picture i the "Vital Statistic" screen.
NS Coach Tools can be used in:
What's new in NS Coach Tools 13.0
Added: SCOUT > GameOn!Bugs fixed
Improved prefomence