ID: it.davidev.tagapplauncher
Version: 2.02M
File Size: 0.4Mb
NFC Tag app launcher Screenshots
NFC Tag app launcher Description
NFC Tag app launcher allow you to launch your preferred apps by reading a tag.First you need to write a tag using the built in write functionality (from version 2.00M)
Tag must be written as text type for use with NFC tag app launcher, this is done automatically if you use the built in write function..
To associate a tag with an installed app you must write/read it first, then click on ASSOCIATE TAG and select an app from the list (it show only apps that can be launched).
After a succesfull association exit the app and test the tag by reading it.
This app must be closed (choose EXIT-> yes) for use with associated tags to launch other apps.
To remove an associated tag this app must be opened manually (not by reading the tag), then click on DEASSOCIATE a tag.
What's new in NFC Tag app launcher 2.02M
V2.02Minternal libraries updated