Download Keypad S: a super dialer 0.6.2 APK for Android

Keypad S: a super dialer 0.6.2
File name: Keypad-S:-a-super-dialer.APK
ID: com.calciumion.keypad
Version: 0.6.2
File Size: 1.2Mb

Keypad S: a super dialer Screenshots

Keypad S: a super dialer Screenshots 0
Keypad S: a super dialer Screenshots 1
Keypad S: a super dialer Screenshots 2

Keypad S: a super dialer Description

Keypad S is a super dialer for Android phones. You could use it to search for apps, bookmarks, contact names, email addresses, phone numbers. All in one place.

How to use?
1. Type in the query using the number keys with corresponding letters: e.g. 36245 for "email" app
2. The search results will instantly appear on top as you type
3. Click the icon in search results to open it, or click the phone key to dial the number

Alphabet map
English alphabet is printed on the number keys. French, German, Italian, Spanish, 日本語, and 中文 are transcribed into English alphabet with the following rules.

* French
Besides the letters shared with English:
à → a
â → a
æ → a
ç → c
é → e
è → e
ê → e
ë → e
î → i
ï → i
ô → o
œ → o
ù → u
û → u
ü → u
ÿ → y

* German
Besides the letters shared with English:
ä → a
ö → o
ü → u
ß → ss

* Italian
Besides the letters shared with English:
à → a
è → e
é → e
ì → i
í → i
î → i
ò → o
ó → o
ù → u
ú → u

* Portuguese
Besides the letters shared with English:
á → a
â → a
ã → a
à → a
ç → c
é → e
ê → e
í → i
ó → o
ô → o
õ → o
ú → u
ü → u

* Spanish
Besides the letters shared with English:
ñ → n

* 日本語
Kanji and Kana are transcribed to Romaji. For example, "手塚 治虫" → "Tezuka Osamu".

* 中文
中文(简/繁)通过汉语拼音对应到英文26个字母。ü由v代替。例如:"韩愈" → "Han Yv"

* You don't have to type in the full query. As soon as you see the entry you are looking for, tap on it.
* Long pressing the del key will clear input box
* Long pressing the phone key will open call log
* Long pressing an contact icon will open contact editor
* Long pressing an app will open its info page: force stop, uninstall, etc.

Your feedbacks are welcomed

* Big thanks to Daniel Bogard for helping us fixing the problem!

What's new in Keypad S: a super dialer 0.6.2

* Bug fix in indexing contacts
* Added Portuguese alphabet support
Big thanks to Daniel Bogard for helping us fixing the problem!
Keypad S: a super dialer | 203 Reviewers | | Rating: 4.2

Download Keypad S: a super dialer 0.6.2 APK

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