ID: com.mmn.flytyer
Version: 6.0.60
File Size: 3.5Mb
Fly Tyer Magazine Screenshots
Fly Tyer Magazine Description
Fly Tyer is the world’s leading magazine devoted exclusively to the art of tying flies for all species of game fish. This free app will give you access to the digital library of Fly Tyer issues (2008 – present) for all Android devices, where you may purchase individual editions ($2.99 each) or subscribe.With a 1-year digital subscription, each new issue of Fly Tyer magazine will be delivered straight to your device. That’s four issues per year for $11.99 featuring the same great content as the print version. You may also subscribe to print plus digital for $24.94 per year, or add digital to the remainder of your print subscription for only $1. Visit for the best offers.
Celebrating more than 30 years of publication, no other magazine delivers the precise and detailed information you need to tie your own flies. Many of fly fishing’s most famous patterns were first introduced in Fly Tyer, featuring some of the best-known writers in the sport, including Lefty Kreh, Bob Clouser, Dave Whitlock, A.K. Best, Lee Wulff, Gary Borger, John Geirach, and others. In each issue of Fly Tyer, you will receive:
• Dozens of illustrated fly patterns and recipes.
• The most detailed photographs and tying instructions anywhere.
• Coverage of cutting-edge patterns as well as traditional classics.
• Profiles of the sport’s most innovative fly tiers.