Download Axiom Password 1.2 APK for Android

Axiom Password 1.2
File name: Axiom-Password.APK
ID: com.axidep.axiompass
Version: 1.2
File Size: 0.1Mb

Axiom Password Screenshots

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Axiom Password Screenshots 1
Axiom Password Screenshots 2
Axiom Password Screenshots 3

Axiom Password Description

Axiom Password can help you to generate unique tricky passwords used for web sites, e-mails, social network accounts, etc.

Axiom Password is more secure software than many other password managers due to its nowhere storage of login details, thus your passwords cannot be cracked or stolen.

What are the advantages of Axiom Password?

1. Just one password should be in mind
For secure operation you should keep in mind only one master password for further generation of other passwords.

2. Strong passwords
Axiom Password provides generation of random set of alpha and numerical characters difficult to guess.

3. Security
Axiom Password provides nowhere storage and allocation of your login details. Thus, nobody can get to know your passwords even if your mobile had been stolen.

How it works?

For password generation Axiom Password uses two types of information: your master password and either web site or user name for which the password be generated.

Assume that your need to generate a password for Gmail mailbox,

1. Enter your trick master password, e.g. 123123 to the Master Password field

2. Enter gmail as the website name in the Web Site or User Name field

3. Fix the password length (8 by default)

4. Set maximum degree of password complexity

5. Axiom Password generates the password as nBYFSNd3

As we can see, it is very simple operation. Very complicated password was generated on the basis of such simple data.

Next time, when you will need your mailbox password, enter your master password and the website name (gmail) to the corresponding fields and Axiom Password displays the same password.

Also you can specify an e-mail name, e.g., instead of a site name (gmail). In this case, if you do not change the master password, Axiom Password generates the password made of the following oFw7Kjcd characters.

For convenient work, the software holds the first-set values of password lengths and degree of complexity.

ATTENTION! The master password used in the example is very simple! The more complicated master password is preferable to exploit.

What's new in Axiom Password 1.2

"Copy password to clipboard" command was added.
Axiom Password | 86 Reviewers | | Rating: 4.6

Download Axiom Password 1.2 APK

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