Download App/APK Extractor 4.0 APK for Android

App/APK Extractor 4.0
File name: App/APK-Extractor.APK
ID: apk.grab.apkgrabber
Version: 4.0
File Size: 0.2Mb

App/APK Extractor Screenshots

App/APK Extractor Screenshots 0
App/APK Extractor Screenshots 1
App/APK Extractor Screenshots 2
App/APK Extractor Screenshots 3
App/APK Extractor Screenshots 4

App/APK Extractor Description

This lightweight app helps you to find an installed app and extract/uninstall them by TWO clicks.
(No root is needed)

*Extract APK from you phone to SD card
*Uninstall the APP from you phone. (Uninstalling System apps are not supported)
*Send/Share the APK by using email or Bluetooth

APK are sorted by name.
Filter available to help user find the APPeasily.

User guide:
1. Find the apk.
2. Select the action(Extract/Uninstall) that you want to do
3. You are done, APK already extracted to your SD card.
4.Send the apk by email:
-click the send button and select an email application.
Send APK by bluetooth
-click the send button and select bluetooth

What's new in App/APK Extractor 4.0

1-1-2014 Changed the default message when sending APK through email
19-12-2013 Added loading dialog to let user know it is loading
App/APK Extractor | 52 Reviewers | | Rating: 3.6

Download App/APK Extractor 4.0 APK

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