Download #2 - 50 Fundamental Words Lite 1.0.0 APK for Android

#2 - 50 Fundamental Words Lite 1.0.0
File name: #2---50-Fundamental-Words-Lite.APK
ID: com.LoveAndLearning.LL2_Lite
Version: 1.0.0
File Size: 32Mb

#2 - 50 Fundamental Words Lite Screenshots

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#2 - 50 Fundamental Words Lite Description

Especially designed for Android Tablets this (free-trial) 2nd in a series of e-book apps is designed to help facilitate language and reading skills in children with special needs, birth to 3 years of age, or older non-verbal children and is an extension of the technique we developed to help our own daughter who was born with Down syndrome.

This e-book app is designed with a clear and focused approach to language and reading development and may be used by itself or, if your child needs extra help, in conjunction with our second Love And Learning DVD and audio CD learning kit. For information on how to best use this app and to determine if it is appropriate for your child please view our online video.

Based on common words that a child learns early in his language development - parts of the body, article of clothing, familiar objects and animals and include: eye, ear, head, hair, neck, hand, arm, thumb, knee, foot, leg, chest, sock, shoe, shirt, dress, coat, button, hat, boy, girl, house, key, door, light, bed, bowl, dish, book, milk, cake, toast, cookie, bath, ball, doll, balloon, block, drum, teddy bear, tree, horse, duck, cow, bird, cat, pig, sheep, bike and bye bye.

Phonetic presentations included: h, air, n, eck, h, and, ar, m, th, um, nee, f, oot, l, eg, ch, est, s, ock, sh, oe, irt, dr, ess, c, oat, but, ton, h, at, b, oy, g, irl, h, ouse, k, ey, d, or, l, ight, b, ed, bow, l, di, b, ook, m, ilk, c, ake, t, oast, cook, e, b, ath, b, all, d, oll, ba, loon, bl, ock, dr, ted, dy, bear, tr, h, or, s, d, uck, c, ow, b, ird, c, at, p, ig, sh, eep, b, and ike.

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Download #2 - 50 Fundamental Words Lite 1.0.0 APK

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